Social media is without a doubt one of the best ways to increase awareness of your law firm and the work that your lawyers do each and every day. Last month we talked about creating the perfect social media designs. What comes after that? Now that you’ve created your social profiles, you want to make the most of your social media efforts and continue to grow your audience. In order to do this you need to perform the occasional social media tune-up. Updating and improving your social media networks doesn’t have to be as daunting as it sounds. Read our tips below to learn how to easily and efficiently optimize your social platforms in an hour or less.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) can best be described as a catalyst to enhance your law firm’s online presence and strengthen its brand. Simply being on social media isn’t enough anymore. For every social media channel, there should be a strategic plan for building and creating content to boost visibility, build familiarity, and generate leads.
1. Consistency is Key
We touched on this in our post about perfecting your law firm’s social media designs, but we can’t stress it enough. When it comes to optimizing your social networks, the first step we recommend is making sure your channel designs are consistent across all platforms. You should be using the same profile image and cover photos for every one of your social media channels. You want followers to recognize your firm when you pop up in their news feed, no matter the social platform. Brand recognition means top of mind awareness within your audience. Here’s one example of consistent social media profiles:
2. Double Check the Details
It never hurts (and takes hardly any time at all) to check the description and details listed on your social channels. Is every field in the bio filled out and does it correctly depict your law firm and its mission? Are the hours of operation up to date? Are the address, phone number, and website URL current? Many times we see law firms skip these steps completely or even relocate or expand to a new city and forget to update their information on social media. Don’t confuse your current and future clients! Take the five minutes to double check.
3. Check the Links
At least a few times a year, you should go through each of your social media profilea and make sure the links you recently shared in your posts are still active. Don’t destroy the credibility of your law firm by sharing a broken link, sending followers to a 404 page error. Don’t lose the opportunity to direct followers to your website because you didn’t check your links.
4. Pin the Important Posts
Content is certainly a vital component when it comes to social media and SMO. What do you do with your best content? Do you have an important announcement, new landing page, or particularly great blog post you shared on social media? Pin that post to the top of your social profile. Pinned posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow the post to stay put at the very top of your timeline for a certain period of time, or until you unpin it. This step will ensure more visibility on whatever information you wish to promote.
Not exactly. The broad goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is of course directing people to your law firm’s website by way of improving search engine results. SMO is a component of SEO efforts, and makes it that much easier to help people find you online.
If you don’t have an hour (or less) to spare, and want help with your social media optimization we can help. Contact the social media experts at Stacey E. Burke P.C. to find out more.
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