This post is the second in a series by Stacey Burke on how lawyers can use Facebook in their business development and online marketing efforts.
A company can use a variety of Facebook post types to achieve interaction and to reach out to new followers. Some common post types to drum up engagement are conversation starters formed as questions or fill in the blanks and photos or other graphic image content. Posing questions on Facebook increases engagement by 10-20% on average, and including a photo in your post can increase engagement by up to 37% [1]. All of us at Stacey E. Burke, P.C. serve as law firm social media community managers, and from what we have seen, certain types of law firm Facebook posts seem the most worthwhile.
Our five most recommended lawyer Facebook posts (to share on your company page) include:
- Your own blog posts – Each blog post you write on any of your law firm blogs should be shared on at least some of your social media channels.
- Press and media coverage – Whether you publish an online press release yourself or you receive independent media coverage, share it!
- Video content – Video client testimonials play very well to an online audience. If you have clients that are willing to speak about their experience working with your law firm, record it, post it on YouTube or another video channel, and share it.
- Content written by others – The majority of your law firm Facebook posts should not be self-promotional. For every one post about your law firm, post or share three items not about you. You engage with a broader audience when you don’t just brag about your accomplishments and share your own content. Share relevant news, others lawyers’ blog posts, professional association posts, and even appropriate personal interests.
- Image-based content such as photos or infographics – Facebook photo uploads total 300 million per day [2]. Users can look quickly at an image or photograph and “like” it versus having to read an entire blog post or press release to before confirming their endorsement. Make the posting of images of your lawyers, staff, community involvement, speaking engagements, and other photos a regular part of your law firm Facebook page strategy.
According to the Bit.ly Blog, the highest traffic occurs mid-week between 1 to 3 pm. Since you have the potential to reach more people and drive higher traffic during peak usage times, consider this statistic in determining your social media posting schedule. Also consider that each post has a digital shelf life of approximately three hours. Post 2-3 times over the course of the day with this in mind.
Remember that 20% of all page views on the internet today take place on Facebook [3]. Utilizing this social media outlet effectively can equate to an exponential increase in your website’s activity.
We share, tweet, post, plus, and more online via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, SlideShare (Stacey), and more! Be sure to connect with us so that you can keep up with the latest and greatest trends in legal marketing and legal technology. If you want more advice on how you can set up your law firm Facebook page, or how to design the page, or anything related to law firm social media marketing, contact us today.
[1] The 7 most interesting social media studies and what to learn from them, http://blog.bufferapp.com/social-media-stats-studies
[2] What Facebook Deals with Everyday: 2.7 Billion Likes, 300 Million Photos Uploaded and 500 Terabytes of Data, http://gizmodo.com/5937143/what-facebook-deals-with-everyday-27-billion-likes-300-million-photos-uploaded-and-500-terabytes-of-data
[3] The State Of Social Sharing In 2013, http://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/social-sharing-2013_b38339
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