At this point, it’s clear that when it comes to social media, there are hundreds of metrics to track and analyze. At the end of the day, you still might be left confused or unsure of how much progress you have actually made. In part one and two of this series we discussed the ins and outs of both Facebook and Twitter analytics that you should actually care about. Now it’s time to cover LinkedIn analytics.
First off, it’s important to mention that if your law firm does not have a company page by now, it’s absolutely time to create one. Much like Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn can serve as an excellent digital marketing tool to showcase your law firm’s services, achievements, and team members. Read below for our suggestions on which LinkedIn analytics your law firm and attorneys should actually care about.
Individual LinkedIn ProfileÂ
When you login to your personal LinkedIn account and view your profile, you will notice your dashboard that displays a few important metrics to take note of. You’ll want to record these benchmark numbers each week or month to track the progress of your posts and grow your connections.
Your Dashboard:
- Who viewed your profile- the people who took a look at your profile over the past week. This information will help you know who you should be connecting with and which frequent profile visitors you should engage with more.
- Post views- the number of people that viewed the updates you shared or posted. This information helps give insight to which types of posts people are interested in and clicking on.
- Search appearances- weekly search stats indicating the number of times your profile appeared in other user’s LinkedIn search results. This will help you learn what keywords people are using to find you.
Company LinkedIn Channel
Once you’ve soaked in the analytics for your individual profile, click on your Company Page to view your law firm’s metrics. When you click on the analytics tab you will have the option of viewing analytics for Visitors, Updates, and Followers. All three are important. Here is what we suggest tracking:
- Visitors- insights into who is visiting your page and when.
- Visitor highlights- shows the total number of views on your Company page that month. Record the provided percentage increase or decrease to track you progress each month.
- Visitor metrics- number of page views per day. Take note of which updates brought your visitors to your page.
- Visitor demographics- reveals what industry your visitors are associated with. Use this to grasp what type of updates you should be sharing to continue to appeal to your audience.
- Updates- perhaps the most important analytics information for your law firm to record. Make it a point to track the metrics listed below every month to gain an understanding of which updates and topics your audience is truly enjoying:
- Impressions- the number of times the update you shared was shown to LinkedIn users.
- Clicks- the number of clicks on the content you shared.
- Interactions- the number of likes, comments, and shares on your update.
- Engagement rate- the number of interactions divided by the number of impressions you earned.
- Followers- reveals your total follower count and when you acquired new ones. Record this information to further understand how and when your page earned these new followers. Which type of updates helped bring in new audience members?
- Follower highlights- displays your Company Page’s total followers and the number of LinkedIn members that started following your Page in the past month.
- Follower metrics- shows exactly when you acquired new followers.
- Companies to track- scroll down and take a look at which law firms you are competing with on LinkedIn. How are their numbers comparing with yours?
Tracking your individual and Company LinkedIn analytics each month will not only help your law firm keep track of progress being made but it will help immensely in building new social media strategies for the future to grow your following and encourage engagement along the way. If you want help in developing your firm’s LinkedIn strategy and recording it’s monthly progress, contact the experts at Stacey E. Burke P.C.
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