Link Building

Why Internal Links Are Important For Law Firm Websites

Every law firm website contains internal links, but why are they often ignored? One of the simplest things you can do to improve the health of your law firm website and its overall performance in search rankings is internal link building. Internal linking is a marketing power move that is often underrated, largely because it is misunderstood. If you have been neglecting the inclusion of internal and external hyperlinks in your website content, follow the guide below for best practices on internal linking that can make a huge difference in the success of your online legal marketing.


Five Reasons Every Law Firm Website Should Incorporate FAQs

The best practices for law firm website design and copywriting continue to change in response to consumer behavior – and nothing has shifted that behavior as dramatically as the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, users are searching for answers to questions way more frequently than ever before. Proving the answers to searchers’ questions in your website content will help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), including potentially scoring a spot in the coveted rich results.

Coronavirus Pandemic

How To Engage With An Audience In Crisis

With nearly all public gatherings canceled and many of us staying indoors, more and more of us are increasing our online usage, including watching videos on YouTube and connecting with friends on social media channels like Facebook and Instagram. The Internet has seen incredible, sudden growth in traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic – including total…

Houston Legal Marketing

How SEO Content Can Benefit Your Law Firm

When it comes to creating content for a web page or blog entry, it’s easy to assume the process simply entails writing and publishing the content. Most website content is written with an eye toward search engine optimization (SEO), in order to help a site rank higher in search engine results and thus be seen by more potential clients. Writing content designed to rank in different search engines can be incredibly beneficial for any law practice.

website content

Why Your Firm’s Website Content Length and Quality Matter

It’s no secret that website content is important. You want to ensure your firm is putting its best foot forward from the moment a prospective client hits your homepage. Many lawyers don’t realize quality content requires the right length (or word count) for Google to recognize it as such. Here are just a few reasons why you need to ensure the length of your website content complies with SEO best practices and the quality of your words both matter.