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Stacey has spoken for the following organizations:
- American Association for Justice
- American Marketing Association
- Anglia Ruskin University Law Society (Cambridge, UK)
- Arkansas State Bar Association
- Asian American Bar Association
- Association of Legal Administrators
- Association of Women Attorneys
- Association of Women in Law
- Boxer Property
- Coastal Bend Women Lawyers Association
- Dallas Bar Association Opportunity & Justice Incubator
- Her Agency Toolkit Podcast
- Houston Bar Association
- Houston Social Media Breakfast
- Houston Trial Lawyers Association
- HR Houston Gulf Coast Symposium
- Kentucky Justice Association
- Kentucky Women Trial Attorneys
- LawPact
- myLawCLE
- Needles Case Management Software Managers Symposium
- New Lawyers Division, AAJ
- New Leaders Council
- Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
- Powers Strategy Group
- PracticePanther
- Public Relations Society of America
- Reuters Events
- Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association
- South Texas College of Law Houston
- State Bar of Texas
- Tennessee Intellectual Property Law Association
- Texas Association of Defense Counsel
- Texas Opportunity & Justice Incubator
- Texas Trial Lawyers Association
- Texas Women Rainmakers
- University of Houston Law Center
- University of Texas Law School
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