Stacey E. Burke, P.C.

What are Twitter Lists and How Can You Use Them for Your Law Firm?

Law Firm Social Media Marketing

Law Firm Social Media Marketing

In today’s social media-centric world, it can be easy to assume that you have all of the major platforms figured out. While you may know Instagram is the platform for primarily image-based content and LinkedIn is for professional connections, you may not know about the tiny details each platform has available to further the social reach of your law firm. This is especially true when it comes to Twitter and utilizing Twitter lists.

What Are Twitter Lists?

Twitter lists are simpler than you may think. Simply put, they are curated groups of Twitter users that allow you to more efficiently organize the users you follow into groups and thus better manage the viewing of tweets. You have the option to subscribe to lists created by other users and/or you can create your own. If you create your own list, you can easily follow the tweets of specific groups separate from those that follow you. The lists you create can be public or private and you don’t have to follow a user to add them to a list you create.

How to Best Utilize Twitter Lists

  1. A Staff List

 By having a list dedicated to the attorneys and staff members who work for your law firm, you can easily monitor and engage with their Twitter accounts. Doing this will not only keep them all in one place, but might also incentivize those without Twitter accounts to create them, as the platform can be a convenient way to share non-confidential work-related updates. Staff lists also allow those outside your firm to better understand the culture of your practice.

  1. Event and CLE Management

If your firm has plans to host an upcoming event or continuing legal education (CLE) program, Twitter Lists can allow participants and those unable to attend to stay updated. Using an event-based hashtag can allow anyone interested to contribute to the current topic and gives an opportunity for attendees to keep in touch after the event. Start off by searching the event hashtag on Twitter to find all of the users who used the hashtag and their posts containing it. Then, take that information and turn those users into a Twitter List based on the event hashtag.

  1. Competing Firms

Having a Twitter list of your competitors is actually a great business move. In doing this, you can keep up to date with any changes to these entities and see how they are utilizing social media. We recommend you keep this list private.

  1. Twitter Users Who Retweet You

The users who retweet (share) your tweets are likely to share similar opinions and could be avid readers of your content. Creating a Twitter List dedicated to these users allows you to show gratitude for their loyalty. Because of this, we recommend naming the list something besides just “retweeters.” Try to think up a name that indicates the value they offer to you and your firm. Sharing beneficial content from those who retweet you is another great way to incentivize them to share more of your content as well.

  1. Professional Associations

Another great use for Twitter Lists is organizing the many different professional associations you may follow, such as the State Bar or those that are more practice area specific for business development purposes. Following these organizations and having them organized into dedicated lists allows you to more easily see what your firm can get involved with. Not only that, but similar to the users who retweet you, being an active participant with these associations is key. Sharing content they may benefit from while also tagging them and occasionally retweeting them will likely put you in their good graces down the road.

There you have it! The key to starting out with Twitter Lists is not to have too few or too many. If you have too many lists, you likely wont keep up with any of them; and, if you only have one or two lists, chances are you’re not doing all you can to reach potential contacts.

Contact The Professionals

Want to know more about how to curate the perfect Twitter Lists for your law firm or get more information on how to better utilize your social media channels? Contact the legal marketing professionals at Stacey E Burke, P.C. today for a free consultation.

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