Stacey E. Burke, P.C.

I Have LinkedIn Connections, Now What?

Social media marketing for lawyers cannot be discussed without mentioning LinkedIn. Known as the “professional social network,” LinkedIn is one of the online marketing tools lawyers fear least, although it has undergone some significant changes over the past several years. In contrast to apps like Pinterest and Snapchat, lawyers are likely already using LinkedIn to some extent or at least already have a profile created with some LinkedIn connections – which means the learning curve for LinkedIn marketing is much smaller. And if you are on it, your colleagues are probably already on it too.

LinkedIn remains the most popular social network for lawyers. According to the 2016 ABA Legal Technology Survey report, more than 93% of lawyers surveyed use LinkedIn, with large firm attorneys relying on it the most. Despite its widespread adoption and use, most lawyers remain unsure of how to get the most out of LinkedIn. As with any form of marketing, the best method of use can vary by lawyer, but everyone should start off with a plan.


Before I start any marketing endeavor, I consider why I am choosing the particular format. For LinkedIn, the answers generally include things like retaining relationships with existing personal and professional contacts, hiring new talent, finding news relevant to my job, developing my individual lawyer brand, establishing my expertise, and seeking out new, valuable professional contacts. Your LinkedIn Profile serves as your online resume or CV and your LinkedIn Company Page serves as a law firm directory listing.

For lawyers working solo or in a firm, not having a LinkedIn Profile makes you appear outdated to potential clients and referral sources. Maintaining an active LinkedIn profile takes time and effort, though, and you need to understand the platform’s features before you can use it effectively.


I like to tell lawyers if they are going to use social media, they need to be present in a meaningful way. That starts with building out your Individual Profile. Some important tips for building out an attractive, credible LinkedIn profile include:

Once your Individual Profile is completely built out and looking fabulous, you can start to make meaningful connections. But how do you find the right people to connect with? LinkedIn has a variety of methods for finding and connecting you with your target audience. The Advanced Search tools let you search by keyword, company size, industry, location, and more. Or, if you know a law firm or other business you’re trying to connect with, it is smart to take a look at their LinkedIn Company Page to see who in your network works at the company, who in your network knows someone who works there, or to use the information to make real-life connections. Some tips for making the right connections on LinkedIn include:

The final and most challenging component of an effective LinkedIn legal marketing strategy is the requirement you participate regularly on the network. A wonderful method to share firm wide information is to create, build out, maintain, and update a LinkedIn Company Page for your law firm. You can engage with other LinkedIn users by:

A final component of really using LinkedIn correctly involves taking the conversation offline at some point. How do you transition from liking updates and congratulating work anniversaries to hanging out in person? For starters, you can export your LinkedIn data, including email addresses for all of your connections. With that information, you can and should engage in email marketing, set up in-person meetings, and invite connections to connect with you elsewhere online, e.g. your Facebook Page.


Stacey E. Burke, P.C. focuses heavily on social media marketing for law firms. We work exclusively in the legal industry and have set up, curated content for, managed, and updated Individual LinkedIn Profiles and Company Pages for lawyers and law firms of every size and practice area. Contact us today to talk about how we can help.

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