You don’t have to be a marketer to be familiar with the numerous algorithm updates Google implements over the course of each year. Recent updates have focused on improving and enhancing user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). While the majority of Google updates will have minor impacts – if any – on the everyday search engine user, marketers keep a close eye on algorithm update announcements for good reason. The May 2020 broad core algorithm update is already reshaping digital content creation. To keep blog posts and other web content effective moving forward, read below to learn how to adjust your content marketing strategy, correct search engine optimization (SEO) mistakes that inhibit search performance, and solidify your law firm’s brand as an informative and resourceful space for users.
Create Worthy Content
Google updates continue to aim toward providing users with specifically curated content, as opposed to a never-ending index of hundreds of thousands of webpages in search results. In order to serve up fewer and more accurate search results, Google monitors and rates the value of each page of digital content. The depth and meaning of blog post content absolutely factor into organic Google rankings. Simply put, blogs must provide value and meaning to readers in order to generate successful SEO results.
Digital copywriters must dedicate more time (and a higher word count) to ensure the success of each blog post. Since law firm blogs are notorious for self-promotion and flaunting victories, they can shift the focus of these pieces to provide useful and relatable content to readers. While it is important to share a firm’s accolades, it’s equally important to educate others on their legal rights. By doing so and publishing valuable content that answers a reader’s question or provides them with an education on the topic, law firms have the opportunity to connect and engage more effectively with their audiences.
A helpful method of adjusting your content to serve as a better resource is by reframing it to answer the question or questions searchers are most likely to ask. This can be accomplished through adding frequently asked questions or an explanation of practice areas into existing copy. Additionally, content such as blogs should deliver facts, tips, and data that are related to the target consumer’s situation to improve the value of your content and as a result, your website’s search engine rankings.
Audit Content for SEO
As law firms continue to push out more content than normal during COVID-19 and its aftermath, another good tip is to perform a content audit of all websites and blogs. By thoroughly reviewing published content, you can make informed, data-based decisions to remove, consolidate, edit, and/or rewrite content pages to better align with Google’s May algorithm update. Reviewing your website content from the perspective of your firm’s target audience (by viewing associated metrics in Google Analytics) allows you to gain a better understanding of how users interact with your existing content. This process will highlight redundant and shallow content that just isn’t working. Even minor edits to published blogs and other webpages can dramatically improve SERP (search engine results page) performance and user experience. It should be noted that Google updates can take some time to fully roll out; and, while May’s update has rolled out, its effects are just now beginning to be measurable.
Is Your Firm in Need of Worthy Content?
While practice areas like bankruptcy and commercial litigation continue to heat up, lawyers may find writing this type of content to be beyond their current abilities. Fortunately, the legal marketing team at Stacey E. Burke, P.C. crafts personalized content for lawyers and law firms across the country. To learn more about upgrading your firm’s website content and achieving optimal SEO results, contact us today.
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