This week’s post is specifically for you, legal vendors. I answer a lot of B2B marketing questions from law firms looking to market to other firms. There are a variety of “expert” opinions available on the Internet concerning whether social media marketing works in the B2B arena. I’ll save you the searching and anticipation: It does. I get new cases for firms using social media. Period.
So here’s what I don’t get, law firm vendors: why are businesses that cater to law firms not marketing to law firms? I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve had a legal industry vendor comment on one of my blog posts, reply to a tweet, reach out on LinkedIn, or invite me to an event. Stop just sitting in your exhibit booths twiddling your thumbs like it’s 1976.
If you are in the business of law firm case management software, commercial real estate, structured settlements, graphic design, medical records ordering, financial services, video and animation, or really any other ancillary service that can be offered to a law firm, here is how you can successfully market to me and my colleagues in the legal industry TODAY.
Events are probably my favorite way to be marketed to. Host a happy hour at Vic & Anthony’s, a golf event at Top Golf, a private dinner at Tony’s. Don’t be salesy. This isn’t an exhibit booth in a vendor hall where interested consumers are approaching you for information. This is an opportunity to connect with me, with your event attendees. Ask me questions about my business: What am I struggling with? What would I do if I had could have my case expenses financially covered so I could go market for more mass torts clients? Have I had success with video animation in the courtroom? Find the question that opens up the conversation. Tip: Schedule a date for a follow up meeting before I leave your event if I express interest, or at the very least exchange business cards with me so that we can connect post-event.
Within 24 hours of the event, send me a personal email thanking me for attending and link to sign up for your email list that segments me into a specific practice or interest area, and a link to connect to your social media personas.
Lawyers and law firms use Twitter. Find and follow them. Here are some suggestions on who to follow and how to find other lawyers and law firms on Twitter. Retweet and reply to relevant tweets by lawyers and law firms on Twitter. If you are able, take pictures of projects you are working on and share them on Twitter tagging the client if they are on Twitter. (Make sure to get written permission from the client before doing so and be careful to never share confidential case-related information.) I share projects and tag vendors on Twitter. If you are not on Twitter, you are not a part of my conversation, which means you lose several thousand free impressions with each potential mention you could be getting.
Update your website to include a blog. Read more about why a content marketing strategy is crucial to successful digital marketing here. Since this post is about engaging with lawyers and law firms so you can convert them to sales, I want to emphasize how important it is to not just push content out there, but to also connect with your potential customers. Read blogs of lawyers and law firms and comment on them. Share their blog posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus, and tag them.
Check out ABA’s Blawg 100 or follow the State Bar of Texas on Twitter to read even more relevant legal industry blog posts. Read your past customers’ blogs, comment on them and share them to remain top of mind with companies that have already hired you.
I look forward to seeing all my lovely law firm vendors online. Of course, if you have questions, feel free to comment. We did not even scratch the surface of online engagement. If you are a business that caters to lawyers and law firms and are interested in stepping up your marketing game beyond trade shows and exhibit halls, contact us. I’d love to work with you!
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