Content marketing involves creating content in various forms – blogs, videos, and graphics – that generate interest in your law firm. Professional services consumers are savvy enough to research a business before considering it as a provider of services. Consumers are attracted to engaging content that’s relatable; and, when readers connect with your content on a personal level, they are more likely to engage with it and share it, as well as return in the future to read more. Creating content can be difficult, and law firms used to writing exclusively in legalese tend to fall short in using their professional writing to connect with others.
Point of View
One of the quickest ways to make your brand obsolete is to become out-of-touch with your target audience. It can be especially easy for a law firm to fall into this trap; however, attorneys now have the ability to quite literally rewrite common misconceptions about the legal industry and working with legal services professionals. When creating content, focus your content on the point of view of your desired reader. What is important to them? What in their life necessitated them seeking out a law firm for assistance? How do you effectively yet sincerely speak to your services? These questions and more like them should help guide content creation and giving a voice to your law firm brand.
Relevant, Sharable
Readers are more likely to engage with digital content when they find it useful or thought provoking. Law firm content often lacks these key aspects due to the tone and language used. Legal jargon can be complex and intimidating, and consumers experiencing stress – whether personally or professionally – may feel overwhelmed instead of supported by your content. Consumers are attracted to content that can be easily consumed while serving a purpose, such as offering easy to follow advice to real world problems in layman’s terms.
This does not mean legal content should be watered down – it just needs to be reframed. Consumers will connect with law firms whose attorneys present themselves as real people able to offer support and answers as opposed to those pushing out thousands of words of content that won’t work for someone outside of the legal field. The proper balance can be achieved through creating blogs and/or videos discussing fundamental concepts and answering common questions about your practice areas. The firm’s employees will know best which questions they are asked over and over by clients – make a list and get to work writing informative, educational, and valuable content. Be sure to focus on the market(s) in which your firm operates and the audience you aim to serve.
Content Marketing Assistance
The truth is, creating effective legal content is harder than it seems. Unfortunately, marketing efforts can be pushed to the back burner during stressful economic times, resulting in missed opportunities. The law firm content marketing experts at Stacey E. Burke, P.C. write short and long form law firm content every single day; and, we are dedicated to assisting law firms in finding their digital voice while growing their businesses. If you are interested in content marketing assistance, contact us today for more information on how we can support your marketing needs.
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