Houston law firm marketing

How To Make Your Law Firm Stand Out

Sometimes it feels like every lawyer and every law firm do the same things to get business. We sound alike: other law firms may have the exact same practice areas as yours, and thus very similar messaging to you. We look alike: with the “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality of legal digital marketing, many law firm websites look ridiculously similar to each other as lawyers try to use the same vendors as their competitors without really being able to quantify a tangible value to that decision. We dress alike: almost all law firm imagery shows people in suits in or near corporate buildings or courthouses.


Don’t Just Develop Your Law Firm Brand, Your Personal Brand Matters Too

Law firms are becoming increasingly aware each year of the importance of both digital marketing and business development. Many are allocating an increasingly diverse budget to a variety of expenditures, largely all of which are designed to raise the profile of the firm itself. Law firms do not generally promote their lawyers individually or allocate marketing resources for personal branding unless these items contribute to the firm’s overall bottom line.