
Needles Case Management

Last week I attended a two-day, advanced Needles training in New Orleans. Needles is a law firm case management software that has been on the market for 30 years, and is used by thousands of firms around the country. If you’ve never heard of Needles, here are four important things Needles can (or cannot) do for your law firm.


Three Lessons for Legal Industry Vendors on Marketing to Lawyers

This week’s post is specifically for you, legal vendors. I answer a lot of B2B marketing questions from law firms looking to market to other firms. There are a variety of “expert” opinions available on the Internet concerning whether social media marketing works in the B2B arena. I’ll save you the searching and anticipation: It does. I get new cases for firms using social media. Period.


Legal Industry Standards for Website Activity

Most law firms have websites, and most track their website analytics. If you do not, stop reading right now, and have the person in charge of your website immediately add Google Analytics. It is hard to measure the effectiveness of your law firm website without set benchmarks to compare it against in your industry. So, what are the legal industry standards for good website activity?