Best Types of Facebook Ads for Law Firm Marketing

As I’ve written about before, Facebook’s advertising platform is growing at an exponential rate. In fact, Facebook says over 1.8 billion people use its social media platform every month. But to the social media advertising novice, Facebook’s advertising platform may appear to be a little overwhelming. In this we will discuss the different types of Facebook ads and the corresponding metrics you should pay attention to as they are running.

Content Marketing

Content Curation For Lawyers

With millions of informational sources in the digital sphere today, the amount of available content can be overwhelming. For a law firm managing its own social media channels and blogs, sharing relevant digital content can establish the firm as an authoritative voice on specific topics – even when the firm is not creating the content itself. Finding that content, however, requires content curation.


Law Firms Can No Longer Ignore Social Media

For lawyers who remain reluctant to use social media, for reasons including an inability track return on investment via traditional means, the time has come to get over it. Greater social signals can not only drive inbound traffic to your website, but they can also help your law firm rank higher in search results. While some dispute the connection between social signals and organic rankings, social signals already impact search visibility.

LinkedIn For Lawyers

LinkedIn for Lawyers

Lawyers often bemoan the increased use of social media to me. Some lawyers are bold enough to tell me how “social media isn’t really a lasting marketing tool,” and it is “a waste of time” and a “youthful trend.” I tend to disagree. I have made some of the most important professional relationships of my life through social media.