Google Algorithm Updates

UPDATED: Google Algorithm Updates

The challenging thing about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that Google and other search engines are constantly updating their search algorithms. What is considered “quality” and “relevant” changes frequently. While Google makes a few minor algorithm updates daily, every now and then Google rolls out a much more comprehensive update.

Medic Update

Understanding The Medic Update and Google’s YMYL Websites

It’s rare that Google algorithm updates ever directly impacts the legal industry. Luckily (or unluckily depending on your outlook), a Google algorithm update that began on August 1st takes direct aim at law firm websites. In the first month of August, law firms may have seen their organic website traffic fall off a cliff or skyrocket exponentially. Unfortunately, unless you are actively engaged in a very comprehensive SEO strategy, you probably suffered a loss.


5 SEO Myths Busted

Search engine optimization or SEO is both complicated and always changing. Because of this, many SEO myths get disseminated that are hard to shake. From Google Analytics, Google search listings, social media, and everything in between, not everything is as cut and dry as it seems. Here are five SEO myths busted.


2018 Metadata Best Practices For Law Firms

One of the top ways users find websites is through search engine results. Therefore, your law firm’s exact appearance in search results is incredibly important for attracting users. Luckily, webmasters can specify which information – called metadata – can both appear in search engine results. Not all metadata is created equal there are numerous rules to abide by to get the most out of your metadata.

Google Algorithm Updates

Four Google AdWords Advertising Policies Lawyers Need To Know About

Google AdWords is one of the most popular digital advertising platforms in the world. It can help advertisers connect with potential customers all over the world. Unfortunately, many of Google AdWords advertising policies make running AdWords campaigns nearly impossible unless you know how to work with them. Below, we discuss four Google AdWords advertising policies lawyers need to know about to be successful with Google paid search advertising.